Wednesday, 26 December 2012

And a Happy New Year

Well I've been very lax keeping this blog up to date. Mind you I've not really done much this year. The buggered knee has failed to get a whole lot better, so I think I'll be going to get some physio next year so hoepfully I will be able to walk around on a day out and not end unable to walk more than 10 yards the next day.

And next year will see me back to work, after a year off. Would be nice not to but there's no money left in the pot. After a year off I like the idea of being a pharmacist even less than I did before, but such is life! And a bit of sorting out and eBaying should help fill the coffers again ( or at least stop them emptying!)

So to all out there reading in blogland I wish you a happy and succesful and love filled new year

And to Jan who has looked after me for the last year , I love you babes xxx. And thanks to my Dad, without who I don't know how I would have kept my head above water

Friday, 6 April 2012

Wiesel bits

Well I took a wander round tinterweb and ordered a box of bits for my Wiesel. Someone had had fun and games with the wiring so instead of making a new harness myself (my usual approach) I ordered one which I will measure up before it goes on so I can make my own for the Berlins.Also ordered the proper battery which will fit the Berlins and Pitty as well. Settled on a lead acid instead of a gel battery as I tend not to replace stuff like regulators unless I have to. Some bits of rubber and a strap for the new battery rounded out the order. And yes Ive forgotten some bits so I'm already putting the next order together! So if anyone watching this blog wants some bits for IWL scooters I can highly recommend Jens Hartung. He also does bits for MZ.AWO and EMW so I think he will be seeing quite a bit of my money!

Friday, 9 March 2012

Knee update

Well 7 weeks on, and 6 weeks after my operation, I am now allowed to bend my knee and start taking some weight on it. My consultant is not a great believer in Physiotherapy and my instructions were " you know what a knee is meant to do, so make it do it"! Don't go back to see him for another 6 weeks so hopefully I will have made good progress by then. Bit disappointed I won't have a big gruesome scar to show off but the surgeon only put two full depth stitches in, and the rest was done with steristrips
Next time Im in hospital I am going to see if I can get a copy of my x-rays! If notyou should be able to, it would be a great fund raiser for the NHS. So in the mean time I have had to rely on google to find an x-ray that looks like mine
Well back to exercising my leg...

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Normal service will be resumed........

............but not for quite a while. A slip when about to leave the Rallymans Rally a couple of weeks ago left me with a medial tibial plateau fracture of the left knee. Out of hopsital now but not allowed to put any weight on my left leg for at least 6 weeks and total recovery estimated at 6 months minimum. Bugger.