Wednesday, 28 September 2011

A nice little threesome part 2

So the next morning I get up and have breakfast, pack my stuff up, throw it in the sidecar and wait for the garage to return. While I'm waiting I start looking at the bike and realise that my idea of restoration differ somewhat from the bloke I just bought the bike from. Loads of nice shiny new bolts, but most are hugely over length, and when I grab the bike and shake it around I find that the sidecar mounting bolts are all loose. So out comes the toolkit I brought with me and half an hour later at least the sidecar is unlikely to come off on the ride home. By midday I'm on my 5th coffee and second packet of fags so I phone breakdown and they say they will find out what the holdup is. When they phone back they explain the garage didn't have a 6V charger so had to wait till the morning to find a bike shop to charge the battery up. Eventually they turn up around 5pm, the battery is connected and off we go. Except that half an hour later I am at the side of the road again with a dead bike. Same problem, and I realise that the problem is that although the bike is charging, its not putting out as much power as I am drawing. So another call to breakdown, the same garage come out and by 9 I am safely esconced in the same hotel I left that morning! Europ-Assistance phone me at the hotel and tell me what the next move was. So at 10 the next morning, after seeing the bike disappear on the back of a truck I get a taxi to the nearest train station, where I book a ticket to Rotterdam. And then the ferry to Hull, and then a train home. (All receipts sent to the company and reimbursed in a month) And a couple of weeks later I get a phonecall at work saying my bike will be arriving at my home address in an hour. I arrive home just in time to stop a mahoosive lorry trying to get down my street, the Pannonia is unloaded and the bloke even gives me a hand pushing it round to my lockup! So thanks Carol Nash... i certainly got my moneys worth from that policy! Oh and the fault was tracked down to the fact that the bike is equipped with a flywheel charging system producing a whole 45W of 6V electrons! And so a collaboration with MZ-B ended up in the production of a 12v 100W system which will, in the fullness of time allow ALL the lights to glow brightly


  1. A good read! And what an adventure ;)

  2. Cheers Benny. I think in Future I will stick to using a Transit van ( especially as I now have a license to drive one!)
