Friday, 9 March 2012

Knee update

Well 7 weeks on, and 6 weeks after my operation, I am now allowed to bend my knee and start taking some weight on it. My consultant is not a great believer in Physiotherapy and my instructions were " you know what a knee is meant to do, so make it do it"! Don't go back to see him for another 6 weeks so hopefully I will have made good progress by then. Bit disappointed I won't have a big gruesome scar to show off but the surgeon only put two full depth stitches in, and the rest was done with steristrips
Next time Im in hospital I am going to see if I can get a copy of my x-rays! If notyou should be able to, it would be a great fund raiser for the NHS. So in the mean time I have had to rely on google to find an x-ray that looks like mine
Well back to exercising my leg...